Sunday, May 11, 2008

The End of a Friendship

I don't know whether I just a fool or stupid. But One thing is clear.. I'm being used. In

this bored town when there's only a friend of mine, He had convinced me that I have to go to

my friend's wedding and he said that he'll go if I'm go too. And with my financial situation

that act will cost much to my saving, but in the end I said Ok and I had bought a roundtrip

ticket (with my credit card off course, I just try to rearrange my tight budget for this

trip). I take a low cost airlines, those ticket can't canceled. And then what? He said that

He can't go with me. Damn It! The worst thing is that he can't go but he's still try to

convinced me to go! I knew it somehow. And He also know that I don't have much money for

this time but why he still do that to me? I just couldn't believe. Is there any satisfaction

to see the other's suffer? What kind of friend of that?
And It crossed my mind that I have lost money and friend for this time...

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